About privacy & cookies

Use of cookies

Our website (www.cobrowser.com) uses cookies to remember settings. We also use cookies to improve our website and show you the appropriate texts and content on our website at the right time. A cookie is a small file that we store on your computer. This file allows us to store settings and data from you. Without this small file, we cannot remember any settings and therefore not recognise you (anonymously) when you surf the various pages of our website.

Because we remember these settings and are able to recognise you, we only invite visitors who have not previously rejected a chat conversation or whose click behaviour meets certain criteria. Only we and our suppliers (like Google) have access to the information in these cookies. Google also stores a cookie when you visit our website. Below you will find information about these cookies from Google and the other cookies we use.

Cookies are used by almost all websites in the world and are harmless to your computer.

The use of cookies is of great importance for the proper functioning of our website. Some cookies are essential for our chat function, but cookies of which you do not immediately see the effects (such as Google Analytics) are also very important to us. Without your anonymous input, we have no picture of our visitors and the use of the website. Therefore, we highly appreciate it if you do not disable these cookies.

Overview of the cookies used:

Google Analytics
Through the statistics package of Google Analytics, we collect (anonymised) data about the surfing behaviour on our website. This allows us to see which pages are viewed frequently, which pages are not clear and through which keywords our visitors reach our website. We need this information to make proper decisions about our website. You can compare this with a shopkeeper who counts how many products are sold in order to adjust his offers and product range. Do you not want your click behaviour to be tracked? Then you can download a browser plugin from the Google website to prevent this. This setting will apply to all websites you visit, not just to cobrowser.net. You can download the browser plugin here.

Zoho CRM
If you request information from us, for instance, a brochure or our rate guide, this request is directed to the Zoho CRM system. This system helps us to follow up requests quickly and correctly and provides background information to the request. The system is essential to the proper handling of your requests. Zoho CRM also keeps track of how you found our website. This allows us to optimise (Adword) campaigns. Currently, it is not possible to disable these specific cookies. You can, however, disable the use of cookies altogether in your browser. You can find more information about this on the website of your browser.

Google Adwords
Many websites display advertisements via the Google network. If you visit cobrowser.net, a cookie is placed that can be used by Google to show you advertisements that match your interests. It is therefore possible that, because of the cookie, Google shows you an advertisement for CoBrowser.net. Without the cookie, you would also have seen an advertisement, but a random one not based on your interests. You can find more information about disabling “ads based on your interests” on this Google page.

Cobrowser Chat & Cobrowsing software
We also use cookies for our own chat function. Among other things, we track whether you have used the chat function before (for example, so that we do not offer you a chat every time) and collect anonymous data about your surfing behaviour within our website. Based on this surfing behaviour, we determine if and when you will receive an invitation to start a chat. This has the advantage for you that you are not constantly bothered by the chat function. Currently, it is not possible to disable these specific cookies. You can, however, disable the use of cookies altogether in your browser. You can find more information about this on the website of your browser.

Leadelephant (after permission)
We use Leadelephant to gather information about the companies that visit our website. Only company information is stored, without personal details. You can disallow the use of these cookies when you enter our website.

LinkedIn (after permission)
We use LinkedIn to show you advertisements on LinkedIn after you visited our website (Remarketing). You can disallow the use of these cookies when you enter our website.

‘The careful handling of personal data is of great importance to us.’

Privacy statement for the use of this website (www.cobrowser.com)

The careful handling of personal data is of great importance to us. Personal data are therefore carefully processed, protected and treated confidentially. We adhere to the requirements stipulated in the privacy legislation. CoBrowser.net B.V. (hereinafter referred to as: “CoBrowser”) is responsible for the processing of the data. Since our data processing operations fall within the scope of the legal exemption regulations, they are not registered with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. In this privacy statement, we explain which personal data we collect and use and for what purpose.

This privacy statement was last updated on 21 August 2017.

Recording and processing data
We only keep and use personal data that are directly provided by you or of which it is clear that they are provided to us. Personal data that is no longer needed are removed. You may also request inspection, modification or deletion of data. To do this, see the contact information below. We store personal data that are necessary for the provision of our services. For instance, data necessary for invoicing.

Protection of personal data
We follow strict security procedures, among other things to prevent unauthorised access to personal data. In particular, we use secure connections (Secure Sockets Layer or SSL) with which all information is protected between you and our website when you register or enter personal data.

Click behaviour and visiting data
This website stores general visitor data. As part of this process, data such as the IP address of your computer, the user name, if any, the time of request and data sent by your browser may be registered and used for statistical analyses of visiting and clicking behaviour on the website. We try to anonymise these data as much as possible. These data are not provided to third parties.

E-mail and newsletter
If you complete a contact or registration form on the website or send us an e-mail, the data you send us will be stored for as long as required according to the nature of the form or the content of your e-mail for the complete answering and handling thereof. We offer a newsletter to inform interested parties about our services and related matters. Your e-mail address will only be added to the list of subscribers with your explicit permission. Each newsletter contains a link which allows you to unsubscribe from the newsletter. The subscriber base of the newsletter is not provided to third parties.

Use of cookies / Cobrowsing
In order to provide remote assistance via our website or to chat with you, we use cookies. This cookie is placed by a CoBrowser.net service. A cookie is a simple, small file that is sent along with the pages on this website and stored by your browser on the hard drive of your computer. You may refuse the use of these cookies, however, this will result in the non-functioning of the aforementioned services. The Client can follow your actions on the website at all times in order to provide you with proper assistance.

Third-party websites
This statement does not apply to third party websites that can be visited through links on this website. We cannot guarantee that these third parties handle your personal data in a reliable or secure manner. We recommend you read the privacy statement of these websites before using them.

Changes to the privacy statement

We reserve the right to make changes to this privacy statement. It is advisable to consult this privacy statement regularly, so you are aware of these changes.

Access to and modification of your data
Questions about our privacy policy or questions regarding access and changes to (or deletion of) your personal data can be sent to: info@cobrowser.net.

or by mail to:
CoBrowser.net B.V.
Hereweg 95e
9721 AA Groningen, The Netherlands

This site uses cookies. About privacy & cookies.Copyright © 2008 - 2024 Cobrowser